Integrated Gallery While You Post...

Wed 22 July 2009 by jillian

I wanted to use Drupal to post pictures, much as LiveJournal can.  However, I already have...  an image gallery.  And, while it is a good and wondrous thing to have the gallery integrated with Drupal, what I really wanted was to be able to nicely choose images mid-post, without having to do crazy things like write my own <IMG> tags.  Yes, I can do it that way... I learned how last millennium.  So, I found that once I had gallery2 integrated with drupal... it was supposed to be trivial to install TinyMCE, which provides a nice "rich text" style editor, and g2image, which provides the in-editor image chooser for gallery2.  It turns out TinyMCE 3.x is now part of the aptly named WYSIWIG module for drupal.  And, it turns out there was a bit of trickery that had to be done to get it to recognize g2image 3.x inside Drupal 5.x.  Hopefully, this link should help anyone with the same woes, namely that after extracting all the plugins and installing them, the editor still didn't provide the g2image button on its toolbar.  The issue appears to be that TinyMCE doesn't dynamically find its plugins.  You have to modify wysiwig/editors/