what goes down (the hatch) must come (back) up...

Mon 14 November 2005 by jillian

At least... that is the way it has seemed for the wee lass and her brother. He started on Saturday morning with some symptoms too disgusting to describe in detail, followed quickly by fatigue and a general lack of energy that lasted until late today. Most of the fatigue and its disappearance are probably due to the fact that he couldn't keep anything down Saturday, and while he could eat small bits of bland stuff on Sunday he is only just getting his appetite back.

The wee lass has a lesser set of symptoms, no fatigue (so far) and is able to eat a full bottle in one ounce increments every 5 to 10 minutes. Any faster and well, everybody needs fresh clothes. So, we're not sure if its really the same thing yet but neither one has been feeling all that great. :(