PDA Madness!

Wed 06 April 2005 by jillian

Since there are clearly just too many choices for replacing my dead or dying Sony Clie, I went to Fry's today and laid my hands on a few of the options. Based on in-person observation and very few specs, I'm tempted toward either one of the low end h-Paq's (pronounced h-pock, like the rapper) or the Tapwave Zodiac. The high-end Tungsten T5 looks like a dream machine, but it's a bit pricey. If I was going to pay that much, I think i'd have to go for the Archos PMA 400 and get what I really want: a small Linux workstation. The Zodiac, on the other hand, is reasonably priced, is compatible with my existing PalmOS apps, and has two expansion (SD) slots. I very nearly dropped the cash on the spot, but I decided to go home and do some research. Time for a big weighted scoring spreadsheet...