Taming the beast - Part 2

Thu 12 May 2005 by jillian

After taming the Mini... it was time to update the iBook. This went pretty smoothly. I used the "upgrade" installer, since this was a machine that had never been tainted with the kind of firewire brain swap that seems to have affected the Mini originally. Having built Fink on the …

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Taming the Beast - Part 1

Wed 11 May 2005 by jillian

aAfter a few days of exploring Tiger on the Mini, I had a small but important laundry list of things that simply must be fixed before I can use it. First, the system seemed sluggish, which is odd because everyone that is happy with Tiger remarks on its speed. Second …

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Tiger: First Impressions

Sun 01 May 2005 by jillian

The install on the Mini went rather smoothly. I popped in the install DVD, clicked "install," rebooted, answered a few questions, and walked away. When I came back, the familiar LoginPanel.app greeted me with a list of users, inviting me to log in. This is where the only two …

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The Tiger Pounces...

Fri 29 April 2005 by jillian

So, my Tiger arrived today. I probably won't install it on the iBook until next week after class is over. I may install on the Mini sooner, we'll see how the weekend plays out. And why, you may ask, do I need a Tiger? Because I looked that muppet in …

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The Tiger Pounces!

Tue 12 April 2005 by jillian

Steve finally announced The Pounce! With the release of Tiger, Apple will be bringing a few new features to their desktop OS. While many are singing the praises of the new Spotlight and Dashboard features, I think I'm most looking forward to computer--computer synchronization in the new iSync. I need …

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iPod and TFT birthday happiness!

Sun 03 April 2005 by jillian

Jen managed to pull a bunch of friends and family together for a belated birthday (too many people couldn't make it if we had held the party on Easter weekend, and my birthday was Good Friday this year). She also convinced them to pool their cash and get two sweet …

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"Mac ee tosh"

Fri 11 March 2005 by jillian

Wee lad's computer arrived yesterday. He calls it "Mac ee tosh." We have a couple of games he likes, although I won't be buying more from the JumpStart series. They claim to be Mac OS/X compatible but they don't work well on the iBook, and according to some searching …

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Mini Madness

Tue 01 February 2005 by jillian

It looks like Wee lad is nearly ready for a computer he can explore with less supervision. We've weighed several options, including cobbling a PC together from spare parts, and come to the tentative conclusion that he is better off with a Mac mini. Among the reasons are the fact …

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14 months as a Mac user (or, a NeXTStep user comes home)

Sat 29 January 2005 by jillian

In September of 2003, I finally decided to see what all the fuss was about. I acquired a secondhand iMac (original, Bondi Blue) and the latest OS/X (Jaguar, followed quickly by Panther). Since October '03 I haven't looked back. Even that slow 233 MHz gem was quite peppy compared …

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