The lowdown on the disk of doom...

Wed 23 November 2005 by jillian

Monday we heard back from OnTrack. They say there's nothing more they can do. It's dead, dead. No bits to scrape off. All gone. Apparently it suffered massive head crash and the surface damage was too severe.

However, there are some other prospects for recovering some of the data. For …

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Kiddos Better, YAY!

Fri 18 November 2005 by jillian

So... as of this afternoon both of the wee ones are eating normally and sending things through ok... That's probably enough said, but YAY! Let me just say that again... YAY!

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You will give me Tiki!

Tue 15 November 2005 by jillian

All (remaining) Beavis and Butthead jokes aside, this rather nifty looking device is the perfect gift for any tech wizard with a desk that wishes it were in Hawaii. Admittedly, I think it would be a bit more useful if it were a touch larger and housed a 2.5 …

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what goes down (the hatch) must come (back) up...

Mon 14 November 2005 by jillian

At least... that is the way it has seemed for the wee lass and her brother. He started on Saturday morning with some symptoms too disgusting to describe in detail, followed quickly by fatigue and a general lack of energy that lasted until late today. Most of the fatigue and …

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As the hard disk churns...

Fri 11 November 2005 by jillian

So, we heard back from Gillware yesterday. They were unable to recover any files. They did, however, suggest that the drive might still be recoverable by OnTrack, and offered to put them in touch with me. OnTrack called within an hour and was very optimistic. Gillware offered to send the …

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That sucking sound ...

Sun 23 October 2005 by jillian

That sucking sound you hear is Jen's hard drive imploding under its own mass. Around noon it died, and bad us, we haven't backed it up in a long time. I have a backup set of DVDs labeled May 2003...

So, the question, in addition to what to do about …

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You ain't all that.

Mon 10 October 2005 by jillian

Very few things amuse me more than insignificant wannabes who think they can own my box for more than a few minutes. My system paged me last night about 5 minutes after some dork exploited a hole in Drupal 4.6.1 and started laying down tracks all over /tmp …

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Birthing an Empire

Thu 02 June 2005 by jillian

Went to see Revenge of the Sith... I think it was very enjoyable. I've heard a lot of people saying it was the best (of episodes I-III). I can't really refute that but I'm not sure I agree. It was certainly worth watching and I do recommend it.

Without spoiling …

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Taming the beast - Part 3

Thu 02 June 2005 by jillian

As a brief follow-up to my experiences with the Tiger upgrade, I have some news about my iFruit. As you may recall, I had trouble syncing my PDA after updating to Tiger. The fine people at Mark Space made a valiant effort to walk me through isolating the issue, with …

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Wed 18 May 2005 by jillian

Baby Grace

Welcome Sarah Grace "Grace" Bolton, born 5/16/05 @ 8:34AM. Click for details. <>`__

Jennifer's pregnancy web log.

Pictures of Grace in the gallery.

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